Our interdisciplinary team provides innovative environmental and urban planning solutions. Our services include: CEQA & NEPA, environmental project management, policy analysis, regulatory compliance, document preparation & permitting, and sustainability planning.

Environmental & Urban Planning
- Land-use entitlements: Conditional Use Permits (CUP), zone reclassifications, variances, lot line adjustments, etc.
- Agriculture
- Regional and general plans
- Business models for sustainable development
- Natural resource planning
- Resilience strategy and planning
- Strategic planning
- GIS mapping, graphic design & visualizations

Biological Services
- Green House Gas Verifications (Reasonable & Limited Assurance)
- Biological Construction Monitoring (CDFW approved Biologists) & Surveys
- Permit Compliance (CDFW 1602, RWQCB 401, USACE 404)
- Special Status Species handling (see "Special Status Species" below)
- Active Bird Nest Monitoring & Installation of Nesting Bird Exclusions
- Water Testing: Turbidity & Dissolved Oxygen Testing
- Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) Fencing Maintenance
- Preconstruction Native Woody Riparian Vegetation Inventory & post construction revegetation monitoring
- Stranded Aquatic Wildlife Relocation
- Invasive plant species removal
- Worker Environmental Awareness Training (WEAT) in Spanish & English (and other languages as needed)
- Biological surveys and reports (see "Techinical Studies" below)

Environmental Compliance
- California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB)
- Regulatory compliance

Client Support
- Environmental project management
- Regulatory assistance
- Environmental litigation support
- RCRA and CERCLA case management
- Land Management

Peer Review & QA/QC
- CEQA & NEPA document peer reviews
- Quality assurance & quality control (QA/QC)
- Monitoring & evaluation

Regulatory Permitting
- Permitting for state and federal waters
- Section 404 Permitting, USACE
- Section 1600 Permit, CDFW
- Section 401 Permit, RWQCB
- Industrial General Permit- No Exposure Certification (NEC), RWQCB
- Agricultural Permitting

Technical Studies
- Environmental and social impact assessments
- Cultural resource reports & surveys: CEQA/NEPA/Section 106 of NHPA
- Engineering reports: air, noise, hazardous waste, geotechnical, etc.
- Feasibility studies
- Delineation of wetlands and other waters
- Protocol level endangered, threatened and other special status species survey reports (see "Special Status Species" below)
- Construction reporting: Preconstruction Survey Report, Biological Resource Incident report and Annual and Final Biological Monitoring reports
- Biological Constraints Map (LA County SEATAC Tier 1 certified biologists)

Water Quality
- Geothermal water quality monitoring
- Testing for construction monitoring (turbidity & dissolved oxygen)
- Lab testing for water constituents

Custom Workplace Training & Development
- CEQA/NEPA Training
- Current changes in CEQA & Land Use Law
- Technical Review of Initial Studies, EIRs & other Environmental Documents
- WEAT/WEAP Training in Spanish & English (and other languages as needed)

- Environmental and urban policy
- Policy research and design
- Project development

Special Status Species
- Amphibians & Reptiles:
- American Bullfrog (management)
- California red-legged frog
- Foothill yellow-legged frog
- Desert Tortoise
- Northwestern pond turtle
- Save the Snakes Level 1 Venomous Snake Handling
- Birds:
- Southwestern willow flycatcher
- Burrowing Owl
- Swainson's Hawk
- Crustaceans:
- Identification of all 25 Californian species of fairy shrimp
- Fish:
- Owen's pupfish
- Amargosa pupfish
- Owen's tui chub
- Rodents:
- Mohave Ground Squirrel